12 Strong Facts About Safety Bollards

Armco Safety Bollards

Take a peek at the infographic we’ve created below that details twelve facts about safety bollards!

You can find out the history of the bollard, some stats about how much force they can withstand as well as how long they can last! (We have also included a quick code snippet at the bottom for easy embedding onto your own blog.)

12 Facts About Safety Bollards
Discover the history usefulness of the safety bollard.

1. The word bollard is likely related to ‘bole’, meaning a tree trunk

Traditionally, security bollards are short vertical posts, and their name is derived from the word ‘bole’, which means tree trunk. The earliest known use of the word in English dates back to the mid-1800s, which leads us to our next fact…

2. Bollards trace back 200 years where maritime bollards were used to tie ships to wharves

The term ‘bollard’ was first used over 200 years ago in the mid-1800s and relates to maritime ‘bollards’ used to tie ships to wharves. 

That’s right, what we now know as security bollards were once used for the primary purpose of mooring ships on docks. These maritime bollards – also known as ‘mooring’ bollards – were used to provide secure, stable tie-up points for mooring lines on the docks. 

3. Originally, old ship cannons were repurposed as bollards

It is believed that the earliest bollards were old cannons dug into the ground with the muzzle end first. They were used to affix ropes and moor ships alongside quaysides. In as early as the 1700s, old cannons were repurposed and used as mooring bollards around docks and quaysides.

It wasn’t until the 19th century that purpose-built bollards would come about, and they stuck to their roots by inheriting a canon-like shape and design. The 19th-century-style security bollards certainly pay homage to their origins. 

4. A single bollard is designed to stop a 4,500-pound car going 30mph

Many of today’s bollard designs are inspired by military purposes, such as preventing a heavy truck from passing through a blockade – hence why their main aim nowadays is to stop vehicles up to 4,500 pounds in weight going up to 30mph. As a vehicle’s speed and weight increase, the amount of force increases exponentially, too. 

Security bollards prevent damage caused by impact from moving vehicles – they’re perfect for maximising protection in various applications. If you want to maximise safety with security bollards, you should try our Armco Barrier Calculator today.

5. The typical concrete-filled 1.2m steel bollards weigh over 30kg

The weight of a standard concrete-filled 1.2m bollard is approximately 30 kg – larger bollards can average up to 45 kg in weight. These strong 30kg bollards have the ability to stop vehicles moving at speeds of around 49 miles per hour. 

Bollards are filled with concrete or cement in order to weigh this extreme amount. Corrugated steel bollards are more commonly used in modern-day applications. 

6. A high-quality bollard can last over 30 years

Bollards are designed to increase protection in high-risk areas where unexpected incidents can occur. Security bollards, in particular, come with a galvanised finish and can be powder-coated yellow to increase their visibility in the dark. 

Since they are galvanised, they have a life expectancy of up to 30 years, making them a durable investment. They can withstand the harshest of collisions and impacts. 

7. Steel is roughly 1,00 times stronger than iron

Steel is an alloy composed largely of iron with a trace of carbon. Steel is nearly 1,000 times stronger than pure iron, however. 

Incorporating a tiny bit of carbon into steel considerably boosts its tensile strength, making it a far stronger and more durable material than pure iron. That’s why steel is the ultimate material for security bollards and crash barrier beams.

8. When recycled, steel loses none of its original strength or quality

The majority of steel products and items are not manufactured of stainless steel. Instead, they’re actually constructed from recycled steel. 

According to statistics, steel has a global recycling rate of around 60%, which means that more than half of all steel is reused and recycled. Since steel can be melted relatively easily, it’s quite straightforward to recycle.

9. Bollards are commonly used to prevent ram raids 

Bollards can serve as a physical and visible deterrent to preventing ram raids. They are robust and provide heavy-duty security while preventing access to any property. See our Armco Barrier Guide.

They are specifically intended to endure considerable impact and safeguard structures from intentional vehicle crashes.

10. Ram raids cost the convenience store sector £8M per year

According to a crime report carried out by the Association of Convenience Stores (ACS), the total cost of ATM ram raids to the convenience store sector in 2018 was £8 million. This was the ACS’s first-ever survey focusing on the impacts of ATM ram raids on the convenience sector.

With customised and galvanised steel Armco security bollards in place, your shop or retail store could maximise its security and be fully protected from the possibility of ram raids. Investing in security bollards for your shop or storefront will see this figure carried out by the ACS decrease significantly.

11. Bollards can be dug in or bolted down

Unlike traditional bollards (repurposed cannons), bollards today can either be dug in or bolted down. Protective bollards are available for both dig-in or bolt down installation, depending on the method that best suits your project and requirements.

All bolt down bollards require a strong solid surface to bolt down to, such as a reinforced concrete slab, for example. Dig-in bollards are installed on bases where a concrete foundation is necessary, such as in soft grounds and soils. 

If there is no concrete surface, bollards can be neatly dug in to provide protection. Where a solid, concrete base is present, bollards should be securely bolted down into place.

12. The global market is expected to grow by 4% by 2023

The global market for barrier systems and bollards has been forecasted to grow by 4% by 2023. In the forecast period of 2023-2028, the market is expected to achieve a value of over USD 24.8 billion by the year 2027. Read more here.

Need a Quick Quote for Security Bollards? Contact Armco Direct Today

As experts in the bollard and crash protection industry, we at Armco Direct are industry leaders in the security bollards market. 

If you want to enhance safety at your workplace or industrial site, take advantage of Armco Direct’s Barrier Calculator Tool to work out everything you need for your project.